Going over what will be on the test

Today in class we went over what kind of information will be on the test. I had notes before we went over it today, but since we were more specific about what will actually be on it, I was able to add to my notes and make them a little bit more accurate than before.
Some of the information that is going to be on the test is:
- Crude birth rate and Crude death rate which is the number of births per 100 people and the number of deaths per 1000 people. They get all of this info per 1000 people so that all the info is accurate and even. That way it doesn't matter how big or small your population is and all the information you need to figure out is all equal.
-RNI which is the rate of natural increase. You find the rate of natural increase by subtracting the amount of deaths per 1000 people from the amount of births per 1000 people. The answer you get is the natural growth rate in that country or region.
-Net Migration Rate which is the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during a year. If there is an excess number of people entering the country it is called Immigration. And if there is an excess number of people leaving the country then it is called Emigration.
-Push forces: are reasons why people would want to leave the country that they are in such as, fighting over land with other nations. Afghanistan has that problem.
-Pull forces are reasons why people would want to come to your country such as your economy improving which is what Mexico has. They have a lot of Central Americans coming to their country for that reason.

Some other information on the test includes
-Total Fertility rate
-Life expectancy
-Population growth
-Developing nations which are going up in population
-Developed nations which are going down in population


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