My review on the presentation

Yesterday we did the presentation on our given countries. My group which consisted of Chris, Hannah, Banks, Tom, and myself; we had the Country Kenya. Kenya as I said and as Hannah said, they are a developing African-American nation with a very high unemployment rate of 40 percent.
I did the slide on energy and electricity access which was one of the factors of Kenya issues and problems. They had no one working in their factories and that was why they weren't producing any crude oil, and that was part of the reason of why their unemployment rate was very high. Over 13 million people within the population didn't have access to electricity.
I think that I personally did a good job on the presentation, I gave a lot of information on my topic, and I clearly stated the energy problem which was the main part of the rubric
So I would give myself a 97-100 because I did everything like giving information and stating the problem right, but I had to look at my note card a couple times and it wasn't completely memorized so I would take off a couple of points.


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