Gun, Germs, and Steel 4

Today in class we finished up the video that we have been watching over the last few days. We were going to go over some possible test questions but we never ended up doing that. Instead we were just looking at some stats about papa new Guinea that we found interesting. I am nervous for the test tomorrow because I have an 89 and this grade will effect my overall grade for this quarter and if it is an a or a b so I am preparing tonight.
Only along the coastlines of papa new guinea is there advanced technology, more towards the inside where there is mainly rainforest they aren't living with any advanced technology. Not even metal tools, or any machinery like that.
They were traveling around the rainforests always having to find new areas that they will be able to find food and survive properly. So they never really have lived in the same place for more than maybe a thousand years. Which is actually a lot of time since this tribe like culture has been going for many thousand years.
They are sometimes so desperate that they need to eat sago out of trees because they don't have animals to eat or any types of food at certain times. New Guinea was also not geographically lucky, because where they are from there isn't any animals around them that can be easily domesticated or anything like that.


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