Studying for population information test on monday

Today in class we were going over most of the information like:
-Life Expectancy                       -Push Forces
-Total Fertility Rate                   -Pull Forces
-Net Migration Rate                  -Immigration
-Crude Birth Rate                      -Emigration
-Crude Death Rate                     -The Table Of Populations Over The Years

Life expectancy is the average number of years a group of people are expected to live who were born in the same year. Monaco has the highest life expectancy out of any country, and Chad has the lowest life expectancy. When it comes to life expectancy, women tend to have a higher expectancy than men do in pretty much every country.

Total Fertility rate is the average number of children born per women. The TFR must be 2.1 in a population in order for their population to be rising. So if the number is 2.1, then it is rising, but if the number is 2.09, then their countries population is decreasing.

The Net Migration rate is the difference of people leaving and entering the country per year. This stat will always be put in per 1000 people so the statistic they get is average between all countries since countries have different populations.

The crude birth rate is the number of births in a population per 1000 people. And Crude Death Rate is the number of deaths in a population per 1000 people.

Push Forces are reasons why people would want to leave the country that they are living in and pull forces are reasons why people would want to move to your country.

Immigration is the number of people coming into your country, and emigration is the number of people leaving your country.
