Packet on new unit

Today in class, I am happy that we just worked on our own and highlighted packets because I was very tired from not waking up in the morning as early as today. But also the break went by very fast because I travelled to Virginia for 3 days and it felt like an hour when I came back.
But the Packet was pretty simple to understand the concept of how its a cycle with four stages. Some say that you can argue for a fifth stage for western and northern European countries.
Stage 1 is very low growth with high CBR and CDR, then a very low NIR. But every nation has moved on to at least stage two one time.
Stage 2 is very High Growth with still a high CBR, but a rapidly declining CDR, and now a very high NIR
Europe and North America entered stage 2 after 1750 because of the Industrial revolution which had manufacturing good and such like that. Africa, Asia, and Latin America didn't get to stage 2 until the late twentieth century because of a medical revolution.
Stage 3 is moderate growth with a rapidly declining CBR now, a moderately declining CDR now, and a moderate NIR now.
In stage 3 society's tend to have less children and more than likely live in cities because farmers want offspring to work the fields and such. Many countries like North America and Europe moved to stage 3 in the first half of the twentieth century.
Stage 4 is Low growth again with very low CBR, low or slightly increasing CDR, and Zero or a negative NIR this is the stage where women will start to enter labor and work rather than staying home all day.


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