Gun, Germs, and Steel day 2

Today in class we had a shortened mod that was only 40 minutes which wasn't good because we were watching and taking notes on a long video for the second day now. The video as I talked about yesterday is about Jared Diamond and his trips to Papa New Guinea. Papa New Guinea is a small island that is north of Australia on a map. On this Island there is some advanced technology along mostly the coasts but towards the center where Jared goes on his trips, is a huge rainforest with nothing advanced. There are people of color who do everything provided by the forest such as branches, leaves, and such to do everything. They don have anything like guns, advanced weapons, phones, or cars.

Yali was one of the New Guineans and he asked a question to one of the white people when they showed up to their island. This question was "why you white people have so much cargo, and us New Guineans do not?" Jared Diamond thought that this was a simple question with a simple answer, but at the same time he took it into a way deeper thought. The white people who invaded them were trying to get them to believe that white people were more superior, and had more power than the people of color automatically.

Another main part of the video was when it talked about what all great civilizations have in common. There were three main things they all have. These were advanced technology, Large Populations, and a well organized work force.


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