Definitions of words part 1

Agora was the central marketplace in most of the ancient Greek city states. Usually the agora was located in the center of the towns so it was clearly visible and easy to access. They would have discussions there and it was used for formal and important meetings.
Polis is a small state in Greece that was originated by the natural divisions of the country by mountains and the sea, and from the original local tribe nd cult divisions.
During 508 B.C. Klisthenis came to power, placed the foundations of Athenian democracy with some serious reforms. People rose up against their leaders and overcame them.
Socrates was a Greek philosopher and he was credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy, and as being the first moral philosopher of the Western ethical tradition of thought.
Socrates made the Athenian leaders angry, and after his trial he was found guilty of corrupting the young Athenians and of impiety. He was sentenced to die by drinking hemlock which is poisonous and kills you.
The Socratic method is named after Socrates and was used to improve human beings by increasing their understanding of information.
Idiot- That means that you were self centered and only worried about yourself. You didn't go to the agora and have meetings, you s=just did stuff on your own.


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