CIA Government interesting fact paragraphs

1)ten most densely populated countries (population per sq km): Macau 21,346; Monaco 15,322; Singapore 8,572; Hong Kong 6,702; Gaza Strip 4,987; Gibraltar 4,523; Bahrain 1,857; Maldives 1,318; Malta 1,317; Bermuda 1,312;
top ten most populous countries (in millions): China 1379.3; India 1281.93; United States 326.63; Indonesia 260.58; Brazil 207.35; Pakistan 204.92; Nigeria 190.63; Bangladesh 157.83; Russia 142.26; Japan 126.45; 
These two statistics are showing the most populated countries, vs the most densely populated countries. I think it is crazy how all of the most populated countries aren't on the most densely populated list. Yeah usually when you are more populated that means your probably a bigger country, but still there isn't a single one on the list that is in both. Also it is cool that Macau is number 1 in most densely populated, because I haven't ever heard of that place since they are small; but they are still leading the boards in population. This relates to class because in population pyramids it will show how much the total population is, but it doesn't talk about the density of the population.

total: 12 years male: 12 years female: 12 years (2017)
These statistics are talking about the literacy life expectancy. So this is saying that for the world, everyone has an average literacy expectancy of going through highschool. So if you think about it, there are plentyt of people who are high school dropouts, and don't make it sall the way through. But that means that there are about the same number of people going to college, as there are people dropping out of high school. I always thought there were way more people going to college to get better jobs, and get a degree. This relates to class because we are talking about little kids and this is showing their education years.

0-14 years: 48.07% (male 7,257,155 /female 7,336,084)

15-24 years: 18.33% (male 2,701,123 /female 2,863,950)

25-54 years: 27.95% (male 4,044,944 /female 4,441,028)

55-64 years: 3.32% (male 466,085 /female 540,452)

65 years and over: 2.32% (male 296,411 /female 408,648)
These are showing the percentages of peoples ages and how many there are of each age. This is based on the country Angola which is in Africa. As we said in class, Africa has a lot of younger kids than older because the parents are having so much offspring. So on the statistics it shows that almost half of Angola's population Is kids under the age of 15. This relates to class because we went over how Africa has most of their population with younger people because of newborns.

This number which is over 1 billion, is China's population. As we know, there is around 7.6 billion people on this earth in total. So that means that just in the country of china, there is over 1/7 of the world living there. That's crazy. But I do know that the number is slowly decreasing because they added a law that you can only have one baby, but if you have more, you have to pay the government for them. Population pyramids are all about population, so that's why I thought I should know who is number 1 on the stats.
238 Pitcairn Islands 54 July 2016 est.
This is the statistic talking about the total population in the Pitcairn Islands. There is only 54 people living here. So if someone decided to take a vacation to these islands, you could actually meet everyone there. That would be pretty cool. And it must be peaceful not having a big population and struggling with many of the other parts of the worlds problems. If we do a population pyramid on these islands, the bars on the graph will not be wide at all because there is only 54 people in total.

For my first population pyramid, I chose India as my country. And on their population pyramid, it shows that most of their population is at ages 35 and under. So that means for upcoming years, their population will be increasing. 
For my second population pyramid I chose Mexico as my country. Their pyramid was similar to India's because most of their population was in the younger ages So therefor their population should be increasing as the years go on.
For my third population pyramid I chose South America as my country, Their population pyramid had most of the population in their ages 15-39 so they were still somewhat close to the bottom of it. This tells me that their population will increase for a while then it will start to decrease before the first two countries that I did since there population average is a little bit higher.
For my fourth population pyramid I chose the Unites States. Our pyramid shows that our population is very even, until you get to the top. So that means that our population will be increasing over the years, but it should be going at a steady pace since we are very evenly distributed.
For my fifth population pyramid I chose Spain as my country. Their pyramid shows most of their population is in their ages 35-60. That means that their population should be shooting up at the start, but then it should start to decrease after the big increase.



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