Notes on first day of religions

Today in class we started taking notes on our next mini lesson as we took our test for the last unit, last class. Our new unit is the 5 major religions. In class we spent a whole lot of time talking about Christianity which was one of the 5 major religions. Some of the notes that I took were:
-There is around 2.2 billion Christians in the world
-It is the largest Religion in the world in population
-Obviously they are called Christians
-Some areas with mostly Christians are Europe, The Americas, and South Africa
-Their founder is Jesus Christ
-The holy book of Christianity is the Bible and especially the gospels in the new testament of the bible
-Clergy: The pope is the head of a catholic church, priests are local authorities
-And Christians descended from Abraham

The only other religion that we actually got to in class was Islam
Some notes that I got about Islam includes:
-Around 1.5 billion Muslims and that is second in the world in population
-They are called Muslims
-Main places are Indonesia, middle east, and North Africa
-Some denominations include Sunnis and Shiites
-Their founder is Muhammed who lived from 570 to 632
-Their holy book is the Qur'an or that's it at least in English


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