Exam Essay Draft

This is what I have written so far for my essay, I chose option C:

Essay Draft

              Starting a very long time ago, around the 1600’s or so, there was a chart the would process the change in a country’s population. This was discovered by looking at a country’s CDR and CBR and seeing if the CBR is greater than the CDR. If it was than their population was increasing, and if it wasn’t than their population was decreasing. This process was called the Demographic transition. It has been proven for most of human history is spent in stage 1. But every country has at least gotten to stage 2. There is 4 stages in the cycle, and some say there is some country’s that could be in a stage 5. But that stage 5 isn’t considered a stage in the process.

              The first two stages are not similar at all besides the fact that they both have a high birth rate. They both had a high birth rate the whole way throughout these two stages, because women usually stayed at home and their job was to have offspring and raise the family. In stage one, there was a really high CDR, and that was due to the fact that there was many families struggling to obtain food, since there were so many children being born. It was also due to the lack of medical treatment, vaccines, and Birth control. Birth control was a huge factor in stage one because it was causing these country’s to have a low life expectancy without access to it. That’s why families started to have more kids because they knew that some of them weren’t going to last very long, and they wanted to make sure the raise at least one of their offspring. As a result of their birth and death rate being so high and almost equal, they had a very low NIR in their population.

              Stage 2 is when there was a huge increase in population because there were two big revolutions that occurred helping with certain countries. In the mid 1800’s was the Industrial revolution. The Industrial Revolution was a increase in factories and the manufacturing of goods to provide more food and such. This caused an increase in wealth, which makes the community and society a better place to live in. The main continents that were affected by this were North American countries and European countries. They were the first areas in the world to enter stage two. Then in the late twentieth century, came the push of developing countries into stage 2 who were struggling more than the ones that already entered. But these countries included African, Asian, and Latin American countries, and they entered because of a different revolution. Their reason was the medical revolution, which was an increase in medical treatments and buildings, vaccines, and birth-control unlike earlier. This lead to a drastic decline in the death rate because people could be treated and have their live saved. One example is Gambia in stage 2. Which is a very small African country who struggled to get into stage 2, and they got in because of the medical revolution.


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