Going over the Democratic Transition Packet

Today in class we went over the packet that we annotated yesterday by highlighting or underlining important parts of the passages. Stage one has a very high CBR and CDR and they have a Very low NIR which means their population isn't really changing. This is because they weren't really in need of food, but they also didn't have to much food so their population didn't increase or decrease. Stage 2 is they have a high CBR and a Rapidly declining CDR because of the medical revolution where they were having more hospitals built and better medical care. This was part of the main industrial revolution. Stage 3 is they have a rapidly declining CBR because they are having less kids since they mostly live in cities and their parents work in offices and stuff like that, instead of working on farms where they could have more children to do their tasks. Stage 4 has a very low CBR a low or slightly increasing CDR and a zero or negative NIR. It is similar to stage 1 with the no population growth, but in this stage you have women who are starting to work and go into labor. That is why their is a low CBR because women aren't focused on making babies since they are working now.


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