Test question review day

Today in class we were going over some possible test questions for the test on Monday. This test is on demographic transition and the four different stages of it plus a possible stage 5. Stage 5 isn't a real stage currently but there is rumors and some people are saying that some country's can be considered to be in stage 5. Stage 5 would have a negative increase rate after stage4 with a zero increase rate. Some country's in stage 5 are Japan, United States, and Germany.
Stage 1 has a very high CDR and CBR with a low population increase rate since the two rates are pretty much even but the birth rate is a little higher in stage 1. Stage two has a high CBR and a rapidly declining CDR because of the industrial revolution in the mid 1800's and the medical revolution which was building hospitals, and getting health care, plus vaccines.
Stage 3 has a rapidly declining CBR because women are having less kids since they are starting to live in cities because of economic changes. The CDR is still declining as before but is now only a moderate decline. Now the NIR is moderately increasing instead a of rapid increase because the birth rate decreased rapidly. Stage 4 has a very low CBR and CBR because women are starting to work in offices and labor as they are living in cities, and they cant focus on having children. The CDR is still low because of the Industrial and Medical revolutions that changed everything. In stage 4 they have zero population growth similar to the first stage which has a very low natural increase rate.


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