
Last day of human geo

Today is the last class of this semester for human geo. Next semester we are moving on to western civilization and I have Mr.Fendryk and not you :( So today during class we just decided to watch jeopardy since we were done everything that needed to be done. I didn't do that well during jeopardy as I only got 4 right out of how many questions were asked. But it was really fun and we weren't doing anything important which was a sigh of relief because all day I was taking notes and working. There isn't much else to write about besides the fact that I had a really great time in this class during this semester. I wont forget the full class discussions that we always did and the studying the day before the test consistently. Thank you for everything Mr.Schick

Test day

Today in class we took the test on the 50 minute long video that we watched during class for the past around 5 days and I forgot that I was absent for one of the days. On the test there was some questions about a place called Draa. I think we learned about that on the day that I was absent. I forgot to get the notes which was all my fault, but I think I got all of them wrong because I didn't have the notes. I don't think that I did as well as I should have because I didn't study all the notes since I didn't have them, but also there was one or two questions that I just flat out didn't know. I have a 89 percent in the class so now I am hoping that it either goes up to an a or at least doesn't drop to far and become a lower B. This unit was pretty cool because we got to learn about a place that is mostly unknown and doesn't have much materials to help them out. But it is insane how much they are able to accomplish with the very limited supplies that they ha...

Gun, Germs, and Steel 4

Today in class we finished up the video that we have been watching over the last few days. We were going to go over some possible test questions but we never ended up doing that. Instead we were just looking at some stats about papa new Guinea that we found interesting. I am nervous for the test tomorrow because I have an 89 and this grade will effect my overall grade for this quarter and if it is an a or a b so I am preparing tonight. Only along the coastlines of papa new guinea is there advanced technology, more towards the inside where there is mainly rainforest they aren't living with any advanced technology. Not even metal tools, or any machinery like that. They were traveling around the rainforests always having to find new areas that they will be able to find food and survive properly. So they never really have lived in the same place for more than maybe a thousand years. Which is actually a lot of time since this tribe like culture has been going for many thousand years. ...

Gun, Germs, and Steel 3

Today in class we were watching and taking notes on more of the video about the people in papa new guinnea and geographic luck. The main part of notes that we took during the class today was animal domestication. Animal Domestication is animals that humans are able to tame and control their actions and everything they do. Some of the first animals that were domesticated back in the ancient times were sheep and goats. Out of many animals that are at least 100 pounds, there is only 12 of them that have actually been domesticated. These animals are: -goats -pigs -horses -Bactrian camels -sheep -cows -donkeys -Arabian camels -water buffalo -llamas -reindeer -yaks -Mithans -Bali Cattle Some places that weren't geographically lucky, and didn't have any animals that could be easily domesticated included: -New Guinnea -North America -Australia We also talked about the fertile crescent that includes the Tigress and Euphrates rivers


I missed class today

Gun, Germs, and Steel day 2

Today in class we had a shortened mod that was only 40 minutes which wasn't good because we were watching and taking notes on a long video for the second day now. The video as I talked about yesterday is about Jared Diamond and his trips to Papa New Guinea. Papa New Guinea is a small island that is north of Australia on a map. On this Island there is some advanced technology along mostly the coasts but towards the center where Jared goes on his trips, is a huge rainforest with nothing advanced. There are people of color who do everything provided by the forest such as branches, leaves, and such to do everything. They don have anything like guns, advanced weapons, phones, or cars. Yali was one of the New Guineans and he asked a question to one of the white people when they showed up to their island. This question was "why you white people have so much cargo, and us New Guineans do not?" Jared Diamond thought that this was a simple question with a simple answer, but at th...

Gun Germs and Steel

During class we got our exam grades back and I got an 88 percent which isn't bad. But then after we got our exams and during while other people are getting theirs's back we started to look up what Gun, Germs, and Steel was. It is a story that was written by Jared Diamond who is a professor at UCLA. He is a training biologist and specialized in human physiology. But that wasn't busy enough so he decided to take a full passion in the study of birds. He liked to go to Papa New Guinea to look at the birds, and he went there so often that he learned the different languages that are spoken on that island by the low amount of people that speak them.  In the story Gun, Germs, and Steel Jared Diamond explains why some more materialized and geographically lucky continents are better at invading and conquering other continents. Some of these geographically lucky features are land, immunity to germs, food production, and the domestication of animals. Eurasia is a Geographically lu...